Donate to APSG

Please enter the following information below to donate directly to the Association of Petroleum Surveying & Geomatics (APSG)*. Contributions make it possible for the organization to host socials, meetings, and other activities. Any amount is appreciated tremendously.

*Donations provided through this form are for the overall APSG organization. If you would like to donate to the APSG Foundation, please contact the Treasurer to do so.

EIN: 26-1349839

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Contact Information

*First name
Middle Name
*Last name
Secondary E-Mail
Please enter a secondary email address.
Business Telephone
Business Fax
Cell Phone
Linked In Profile Page

Association of Chapter

*Please select a chapter you would like to be associated to:
*Amount ($USD)
 Payment frequency
State / province
Postal code

Copyright 2009 - 2021 Association of Petroleum Surveying & Geomatics (APSG)
To report any issues with this website, please contact APSG.