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  • 13 Jun 2013 9:03 AM | Anonymous
    Ken Turnbull announces the nominations for the upcoming year for the APSG US West Chapter.
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    Dear ASPG Members;

    I am pleased to announce we have members willing to step forward and accept the nominations for the upcoming year for the APSG US West Chapter.

    They are:
    Chairperson -  Natalie Cutsforth
    Secretary/Treasurer -  Andy Anderson

    John Farrell would like to remain as Vice Chair.
    Bill Emison would like to remain as Membership Chair.

    A broad request for nominations was circulated, but this brought no volunteers. Andy and Natalie were personally contacted by me, because I thought they had the necessary credentials and experience, and both have accepted.

    The nominated individuals will be presented at the July 19th meeting for approval by the membership.

    Thank you for your support.

    Ken Turnbull
    Nomination Committee – APSG West Chapter

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  • 03 May 2013 9:40 AM | Anonymous
    The APSG Executive Committee withdraws proposed amendment to Articles of Association.

    Message to the APSG membership from Barry Barrs, Chair of STAC

    Re: Proposed Amendment to Articles of Association Being Withdrawn

    Since the recent email announcement concerning the proposed amendment to the APSG Articles of Association, numerous emails have been received, in addition to one phone call, voicing concerns that the amendment is not specific enough as currently written. After discussing this further with a spokesperson for the group opposed to the amendment it was mutually agreed that the amendment would be withdrawn and STAC will continue to meet and work on both organizational structure changes needed to incorporate Chapters and the establishment of more specifics around the STAC. To ensure that the APSG membership are engaged in and informed of these proposed changes well in advance, the plan is to make every effort to have the proposed Articles of Association changes ready for review by the full membership approximately three months prior to the fall 2013 meeting.  This will provide ample time to obtain feedback from the members for due consideration and make any additional adjustments well in advance of the fall meeting.

    The time currently set aside on the agenda at the spring meeting for “Amendments to Articles of Association” will be used to engage the membership on ideas for consideration for the organizational structure changes to incorporate Chapters and put more specifics around STAC.  Looking forward to seeing you all at the meeting

    For more info on the spring meeting, click here.

    If you have any questions concerning the information in this email, please contact Barry Barrs - Chair of the STAC.
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  • 02 May 2013 10:39 AM | Anonymous
      APSG 29: Spring 2013 Meeting will be held Friday, May 10, 2013 at Chevron in Downtown Houston.  Our Theme is "Getting Back to our Geodetic Roots".
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    APSG29: Spring 2013 Meeting
    Friday,  May 10, 2013 from 08:00 a.m. to 05:30 p.m.
    at Chevron Corporation, 1500 Louisiana Street, Houston, TX 77002

    Reminder Registration for APSG29 Ends Thursday, May 9 at Noon C.S.T.
    Our theme for the US Central Chapter Spring Meeting is "Getting Back to Our Geodetic Roots". The agenda for this event can be downloaded here.
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  • 26 Apr 2013 10:16 AM | Anonymous
    Mark Dumka, the APSG Canada Interim Chapter Chair, announces the new Canada Chapter
    leadership and speaks about the upcoming APSG Canada Chapter Summer Meeting.
    A Letter From The
    Canada Chapter
    April 26, 2013
    Dear Members & Guests,

    The Association of Petroleum Surveying & Geomatics Canada Chapter is pleased to announce recent additions to the Leadership Committee. Please join us in welcoming Dean Mikkelsen (Conoco) and Matthew Tait (Worley Parsons). They join John Spreen (Paladin Positioning), Richard Andrews (Spatial Technologies), and Mark Dumka (Anadarko).

    We still have an open position for the Chair. The Chair is responsible for delegating any/all tasks to members of the Leadership Committee. Besides that, the Chair typically organizes meetings and communicates with Houston APSG Leadership and other organizations. The Chair also provides leadership, helps set the Canada Chapter agenda and goals, and assists the Membership coordinator with various membership tasks.

    There has been some informal interest expressed in the open position, and so we'd like to invite all interested members to submit a note to Mark Dumka ( if you're interested. Please include a brief paragraph or two on your background, as well as why you're interested.

    Mark Dumka will continue to serve as Interim Chair until the Canada Chapter Fall Meeting, at which time we hope to pass the Chair to the best candidate. We are targeting late October / early November for this meeting.

    We'd also like to announce our Spring meeting June 5, 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM in Calgary, Alberta (limit 50 members), followed by a social. The Theme is generally (but not restricted to) O&G Spatial Data Management. We are still working on various details. We have presentations that warrant an afternoon but not a whole day. That could change based on presenters who step forward, so we are keeping the Call for Presentations open until May 14. At that time we will provide an Agenda and other meeting details. Please let us know if we are overlooking a major conflict on June 5. Please submit a note to Mark Dumka ( if you're interested in making a presentation.


    Mark Dumka, John Spreen, Richard Andrews, Dean Mikkelsen, Matthew Tait
    Canada Chapter Leadership Committee
    Association of Petroleum Surveying & Geomatics

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    Contact email: {Organization_Contact_Email}
  • 25 Apr 2013 4:47 PM | Anonymous
    APSG is sponsoring the annual Esri Petroleum GIS Conference Map Gallery Competition.
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    Enter Your Map in a Contest

    The Association of Petroleum Surveying & Geomatics (APSG) is sponsoring the annual Esri Petroleum GIS Conference Map Gallery competition.

    Hang your map poster in the conference Map Gallery. Maybe you will win glory. Maybe you will win fame. Or maybe you will win a one-year APSG membership and a Garmin nüvi GPS device or a Pentax WG 2 GPS camera. Check out the guidelines, prizes, and dates.

    Individuals or groups should enter their maps into the contest under their own name(s) and, if desired, under the banner of the company, school, or agency to which they are affiliated, but map entries should NOT be submitted under the banner of the APSG since we are the ones judging and awarding the submissions.

    Map Gallery

    Copyright © 2013 APSG. All rights reserved.
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  • 17 Apr 2013 9:22 AM | Anonymous
    Dave Byrne, the APSG Chair, speaks about the upcoming APSG spring meeting.
    A Letter From The Chair
    April 17, 2013
    Dear Members & Guests,

    It’s April and that means that our annual APSG Spring Meeting is just around the corner! This spring we’re getting back to basics by focusing on how we got where we are today in geodesy and why it matters greatly to every one of us. Plan now to join us on Friday, May 10, for a valuable and much anticipated series of presentations by industry experts from around the world on the topic of “Getting Back to Our Geodetic Roots.”

    This spring’s meeting features six outstanding talks that will examine and explain the full historic impact of geodesy in chronological sequence up to and including our present “reality”. Have you ever asked the following fundamental questions?
    • Why I am not working in just WGS 84?
    • How and why were datums and map projections created?
    • Why are there so many geodetic datums?
    • Where does height figure in all this?
    • What and why is the geoid important?
    • How were measurements made before satellite technologies?
    Many historic events do influence today’s handling of geodetic data in our business so it’s instructive to reflect on that history and understand how to correctly evaluate and integrate historical data with our current day spatial data. Come to the spring meeting and get the answers to all of these questions and more.

    Register for this meeting TODAY and then come join us on May 10th for a great day of reflection, insight, learning, networking, and just plain fun! See the agenda and check out the Upcoming Events section of the APSG website home page for all the details of the APSG29 Spring 2013 Meeting.

    If you have any comments or concerns, please contact the APSG Webmaster at

    I look forward to seeing you at the meeting!


    Dave Byrne
    2012-2013 APSG Chair
    Association of Petroleum Surveying & Geomatics

    Copyright © 2013 APSG
    All rights reserved.

  • 15 Apr 2013 12:00 PM | Anonymous
    You are cordially invited to the inaugural "interest meeting" of the US East Chapter of APSG.
    The meeting will be held at the Marriott Courtyard in Downtown Pittsburgh on May 22, 2013.
    Wednesday May 22, 2013
    held at the
    Marriott Courtyard in Downtown 
    Join us!
      Register Here  
    Announcing the
    US East Chapter Interest Meeting
    You are cordially invited to the inaugural "interest meeting" of the US East Chapter of APSG.

    The cost to attend is free for members and guest.

    The primary focus of APSG remains socializing, education, and networking for that part of the geomatics industry that specializes in supporting oil and gas exploration and production.

    This e-mail serves as an invitation to meet and get more information about APSG and to try and answer any questions you may have.  If there is enough interest shown, we will start the process of creating a US East chapter. You are under no obligation to join anything or spend any money at this point in time.

    Call for Papers
    Please submit your abstract to Mr. Patrick Cunningham by April 22, 2013.

    Seeking Sponsors

    If you would like to sponsor the after-meeting Social there are two ways of paying. You can either go online by clicking here to pay for your sponsorship or you can mail a check to Jose Alvarenga at:
    P.O. Box 7504
    Houston, Texas 77270
    Please make checks payable to APSG.
    How To Get There
    Courtyard Pittsburgh Downtown
    945 Penn Avenue
    Pittsburgh, PA 15222

    Driving Directions, Bus Station, Subway Station & Train Station information can be found at the hotel's website at:
    Copyright © 2013 APSG. All rights reserved.
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  • 08 Apr 2013 3:19 PM | Anonymous
    The APSG Executive Committee submits proposed changes to the Articles of Association. It is available for review and voting will be held at the Spring Meeting in Houston, Texas.

    Voting held at
    Spring Meeting
    Proposed Addition to the APSG Articles of Association
    The Executive Committee makes the following resolution of changes to the Articles of Association available for review by the members of the APSG 30+ days in advance of the APSG Spring Meeting:

    Add this item to Article 5 - Governing, Section 1 Executive Committee
    ​ D.​ The Executive Committee shall maintain a Strategic & Technical Advisory Council for organizational strategy and oversight. The Strategic & Technical Advisory Council will evaluate and advise the APSG Executive Committee with direction and initiatives that should be considered by APSG.
    The Executive Committee wanted the STAC to be formally recognized in order that they may begin the work necessary to address changes to the organization structure of the APSG.

    Voting for this amendment change will be held at the Spring Meeting in Houston, Texas. For more info on the Spring Meeting, click here.

    If you have any questions concerning the above proposed changes please contact either Barry Barrs - Chair of the STAC or Dave Byrne - Chair Executive Committee.
    Copyright © 2012 APSG. All rights reserved.
    Contact email: or
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  • 02 Apr 2013 4:44 PM | Anonymous
    We are currently seeking after meeting social sponsors for the Spring Meeting.
    If you are interested, please contact Alma Alling at to sign up. 
    Seeking Sponsors
    APSG29: Spring 2013 Meeting

    Friday, May 10th, 2013
    8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
    Chevron, 1500 Louisiana Street, Houston, Texas 77002

    We are currently seeking after meeting social sponsors for the Spring Meeting. If you are interested, please contact Alma Alling at to sign up.
    Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter

  • 18 Mar 2013 12:30 PM | Anonymous
    APSG would like to announce and encourage members to attend the 2013 GeoGathering conference. It will be held at the Cheyenne Mountain Resort in Colorado Springs, CO from August 21 - 22, 2013.

    - Data Collection and Sharing -

    August 21 - 22, 2013

    Cheyenne Mountain Resort
    Colorado Springs, Colorado
    APSG & GeoGathering
    APSG encourages our membership to exchange geodetic, cartographic, and spatial data management knowledge and best practices to advance survey technology relating to worldwide petroleum development.  The upcoming GeoGathering conference will provide a great forum in which you can do this!

    Please consider attending and/or being a speaker at GeoGathering and representing the APSG.  You may also take an active participatory role in one of the interactive networking sessions, helping clarify the need to possess and employ sound geodetic knowledge and practices in both the field and office, and in between.

    If you would like to attend or present at GeoGathering then please submit your abstract by March 29 via their
    website or email Victoria Skogman directly.
    About GeoGathering
    GeoGathering will take place in beautiful Colorado Springs at the Cheyenne Mountain Resort on August 21-22, 2013. This year’s theme, Developing a Data Strategy: Data Collection and Sharing, focuses on the need for efficient and effective strategies around data collection and integrity, sharing, management, analysis, and accessibility…all topics into which rigorous geodetic policies and application need to be interjected to enhance operational safety and effective decision making.

    Acquisitions and fast growth in the gathering industry are forcing operators to take a hard look at their data, from its collection through its provision to the decision makers.  It means looking at data from a much different perspective than before.

    GeoGathering provides a collaborative venue for oil & gas gathering system and upstream operators to share their experiences and learn from others.
    - Call for Abstracts is Open! -

    If you are interested in participating in this year’s conference, please submit a presentation abstract at the GeoGathering website today. Deadline for submissions is March 29, 2013. Recommended topics include:

    • PHMSA MAOP Strategies
    • Collection Methods to Meet Requirements
    • Data Sharing: GIS as an Enterprise
    • Organizing Data for Decision-Makers
    • MAOP & Collecting the Right Data
    • Acquisitions & Validating the Data
    • Environmental Permitting: Collection & Management of the Data
    • Data Security and the Cloud
    • Field & Office Data Strategies
    • What Makes Gathering Systems Unique
    • Developing a Data Sharing Strategy
    • Collecting & Sharing Information to Help Enhance Pipeline Safety
      Submit Abstract
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