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Call for Papers and Invitation to Attend the US Central Chapter 2014 Spring Meeting

14 Feb 2014 9:54 AM | Anonymous

 Invitation to Attend the APSG Spring 2014 Meeting

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APSG Spring 2014 Meeting
February 14, 2014
Dear Members & Guests,
The APSG is pleased to announce the details for the Spring 2014 Meeting. The APSG31
US Central Chapter Spring Meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 22 from 8:30am to 4:30pm immediately followed by a social. We intentionally scheduled the meeting prior to the ESRI PUG Conference being held that same week in Houston so that members can plan to attend both events. The meeting will be hosted at the Hess Conference Center, 1501 McKinney Street, Houston Texas 77010, 4th Floor, rooms 4C and 4D.
The theme of this meeting is “Geospatial Data Nightmares - How to deal with Datum & Accuracy Issues”. Dennis Riordan from the NGS will be the keynote speaker and will be providing an update on the new horizontal datum the NGS is implementing. We are looking for 3-4 additional speakers who are passionate about all things Geospatial to deliver presentations on datum and accuracy issues as it relates to the petroleum industry.
Interested in Speaking? Please submit your presentation title and abstract to John Conner jconner@ensoco.com  by March 7th.       


For event details or to Register CLICK HERE


Whether you are a new, recent, or veteran member of APSG I encourage you to join us for a great day of learning, discussion, networking, and fun. 


Best regards,

Jackie Portsmouth

2013-2014 APSG Houston Chapter Chair

Association of Petroleum Surveying & Geomatics

W: www.apsg.info

O: +1 214 389 7058

M: +1 972 854 1625

E: jackiep@santosinc.com                       

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